Google makes Google Buzz easy and accessible for everyone since it is built right into your Gmail account. Buzz makes setting up easy because it does the setting up for you. For instance, it automatically follows the people you chat and e-mail to regularly. Having e-mail integrated, Google Buzz has made a distinctive identity for itself, giving it a personal and competitive edge against its competitors like Facebook and Twitter. Buzz is going up and beyond status updates and messages; its features by design pull up links and images associated with what you have written. Its features also allow users to view pictures better than Twitter and Facebook—they come up bigger and faster. Another feature Buzz has is that it allows its members to connect with other sites used, such as Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, etc. This feature shows your followers exactly what you are doing around the web. Another interesting feature that gives Buzz an advantage is that it identifies posts that may interest you or your followers, and “recommends” them to you. It allows you to see posts from others, even though you are not directly following them.
So there you have it. That’s the latest buzz with Google Buzz.

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